
We wish you a happy new year! Perhaps you've started the new year with new resolutions, perhaps even including more sport in your everyday life? Then you've come to the right place with us and our products. All of our training equipment is designed to fit perfectly into your home and your wallet for you as an amateur athlete. In our own blog, we not only introduce you to our products and the exercises that go with them, but also provide you with some helpful tips for your strength training.

In addition to the right choice of training equipment and optimal exercises for your goals, the number of repetitions is extremely important for successful strength training. Beginners in particular often find it difficult to find the right number of sets and repetitions. In this case, more does not equal more. The wrong number of repetitions and sets can therefore have a major impact on your training progress.

Wondering whether you're currently training correctly? In today's article, we'll help you to find an optimal guideline that you can use to orientate yourself at the start of your training phase.

According to studies, 5-10 sets per muscle group is an approximate guideline. However, this does not mean that these must necessarily be in between, this must be considered individually in each case.

Firstly, you should look at the total number of sets per muscle group and not the entire strength training programme. This way you can find out how much each muscle group can handle. The best way to find this out is to concentrate on one group in individual training sessions.

  • It is best to work each muscle twice a week. The training should be intense, but not to the point of muscle failure!
  • Then see how you feel after the training session and make a note of the number of sets and how you felt that day.
  • Muscle soreness is normal for beginners and completely new exercises, but if it is always severe, this means reducing the set by one or two sets for your next session!
  • Conversely, you should increase the set by one or two sets if you don't feel any stimulation in the muscle group.
  • After these adjustments, you should train with this number of sets for at least 1 week, ideally even 2 weeks, and then re-evaluate how you feel.

This way, you can continue to adapt your strength training to your body and its needs until you have found the perfect training volume for you. It will definitely take some patience and time to get the hang of it, which is completely normal.

Remember for future strength training - not having sore muscles doesn't always mean that the training wasn't intense enough and didn't help.

Did you know that you receive a free e-book with many more suggestions and exercises when you purchase a K-Sport training device? If you are still missing the e-book, please contact our customer service and make it easier for you to find the right training exercises.

We wish you every success with your New Year's resolutions and getting started with your training!

Your team from K-Sport