
Sit ups - perfect for all those who want to train their abdomen and don't want to use any other training equipment or fitness machines. Derived from the English, it involves sitting up, which describes the movement sequence of the exercise pretty accurately.

Which muscles are used?

You should definitely try sit ups if you want to train your abdominal muscles. Sitting up from a lying position activates the straight abdominal muscles in particular. This exercise is one of the basics of body weight training and is an isolation exercise. This means that you specifically train one muscle group during the exercise, in this case the abdominal muscles.

What do you need for this?

No other fitness equipment is required. If you like and have it to hand, you can set up your legs on a wall bars or similar, as in our example. Additional dumbbells/weights or therabands can be used to increase the intensity.


Lie on the floor and place your legs about hip-width apart. For the version including wall bars, position your legs on the first rung to create a slight counter-tension.

Place your hands on your neck or head for support. Now tighten your stomach and roll your spine slightly upwards. Make sure you pull your shoulder blades down towards the floor so that you can maintain a straight posture in your upper back. Bring your upper body towards your thighs and press your lower back into the floor. When performing this exercise, make sure that you use your abdominals for strength and that your hands on your head only serve as a light support.

Alternative version:

Sit ups with fitness bands/Theraband: (simpler version)

As in our previous article on pull-ups with a fitness band, these also serve as support here. Place one band around your ankles and hold the other ends in your hands. The rest of the exercise is performed as described above, but the band gives you a push to help you stand up more easily.

Sit ups with dumbbells/weights: (heavy version)

To increase the intensity, you can either take dumbbells in both hands or hold a weight disc in front of your chest. Execution remains the same. Optionally, you can lift the weights once towards the air at the top and then lower them again as normal.

As you need to reduce your belly fat to get a six-pack, you should also incorporate cardio sessions into your training. This will help you to increase fat burning and bring out your abdominal muscles.

Have fun and success with your training!

Stay strong! - Your team from K-Sport