
Move hand over hand is only for kids? After our spring break, we'll show you that move hand over hand is not only fun for the little ones, but is also an ideal addition to your training and a great way to keep fit in summer.

With a few simple tips, you'll quickly get the hang of it and have just as much fun!

Which muscles are used?

In addition to the muscles listed below, which you use in the process. Strengthen your grip strength in particular and additional muscle groups as follows:

  • Forearms
  • Upper arms
  • Shoulders
  • Core muscles
  • Abdominal muscles

What do you need for this?

As training equipment for your outdoor gym, you will need a hanging ladder. You can get these individually from us, for example, or as part of our outdoor calisthenics equipment for the garden.


If you don't have space in your garden, you can also find hanging ladders in many city parks or in your gym.


Position yourself at one end of the handrail ladder. Grasp the first bar above you at about shoulder width. Then pull yourself up slightly, creating a slight bend in your elbows. Hold this position for around 10 seconds, avoiding swinging forwards and backwards. At this point, you are already training your grip strength, which is not only important when moving hand over hand, but is also necessary when performing pull-ups, for example.

Important: Always make sure to maintain tension. Especially in the abdominal area, so that you can perform the exercise not only safely but also effectively. If you cannot reach the bar from a standing position, you can either jump up or get a box/stool to help you reach the bar. As soon as you have a firm grip and a secure feeling, you can start to grab the next bar with your first arm. Take your time with this. As soon as you have reached the second bar with both arms and feel secure, you can move hand over hand further forward.

Tip: If you find it difficult to move hand over hand on the first attempt, you can hold the starting position for longer than 10 seconds. Try increasing this to 30 seconds, longer on the next round. Continue until you feel you have a good grip strength to move hand over hand and then start moving further.

Enhancement: Are you good at move hand over hand? Then try it backwards!

As always, we wish you lots of success with your training and look forward to your feedback! Feel free to share your training successes with us and the K-Sport community on social media and link us to your training.

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