
Although crash dieting is not the best solution, sometimes it is worth knowing how to and what effort you need to burn 1 kg of fat quickly.

1 kg of fat = how many calories?

If one gram of fat is 7 kcal, then to burn 1 kg of fat you need to burn 7000 kcal. However, various sources suggest you should burn 7500 kcal or even 9000 kcal depending on your body composition and the source. Certainly, a lot depends on your age, initial weight, and level of previous training. However, if we decide that we are looking for an activity that will allow us to burn slightly more than 7000 kcal, the list of possibilities will look something like this:

  • 10 hours of jogging at an average speed of 9-10 km/h
  • Cycling at an average pace with elements of uphill climbs - effort lasting a minimum of 13 hours
  • Push-ups - done at an average pace for 12 hours.
  • Manual car wash - 32 hours
  • Disco dancing or aerobics - 15 hours

If none of these options seems particularly tempting, so maybe it's worth spreading the weight loss a bit over time and reaching for proven and permanently effective methods?

Remember that after a few hours of intensive effort on the scales, you can often see the difference. But unfortunately, it will not be a matter of burnt fat, but of water lost.

What can we include in our daily rhythm to burn more calories?

A walk after a meal

By walking for 20 minutes after each major meal (e.g. lunch), you are able to burn at least 0.5 kg in a week. In addition, this form of exercise boosts your metabolism and can often help you digest your food better and feel better.

More milk and more green tea

Maybe not necessarily in one cup at a time, but both green tea and milk are allies in the fight for a slim figure. Milk, thanks to the calcium content, accelerates the breakdown of body fat. And green tea is considered a "natural fat burner". Two cups of this drink a day allow you to burn almost 600 kcal in a week.

A smaller plate equals a larger portion

Trick your brain by putting your meal on a smaller plate. You'll feel full, which means you'll feel full sooner. This one sounds ridiculous but works.

More protein, cinnamon, and almonds

An increased portion of protein in the diet will help the development of muscle mass (of course, it must go hand in hand with physical effort), and muscles are the factories in which we burn fat. In turn, cinnamon and almonds are great natural fat burners. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day - added to rice or oatmeal – can help lose up to 1 kg of body fat per month.

Changing the form of movement

Do you like to walk or ride a bike and you think that you are an active person on a daily basis? Ok, but change the walk or ride to intervals - this way they will become training, not just relaxation.

Regularity in meals and training

A properly arranged training and diet plan is absolutely the most important step to success. You really do not need to introduce a restrictive diet and very tiring training. It is much more important that meals are eaten at regular intervals and that training is carried out according to plan.

A lot of water

Drink before you feel thirsty. Water should be supplied constantly and in small portions.

Salad starter before the main meal

If you're concerned that your meal isn't enough to keep you full, prepare a starter of lettuce, a few chopped vegetables, and a teaspoon or two of olive oil. It doesn't have to be a big bowl. Just a few spoons of such a healthy and very low-calorie snack and the fear of hunger after a meal will disappear.

Plan meals and shopping

Don't go shopping hungry. You tend to end up buying something that is not conducive to your diet. Only what is necessary and supports your training plan. This will benefit both your figure and wallet!